Elevation: make it about the vision this election

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Australia reMADE is about long-term vision for our country and our future, one that goes beyond the next election to the next decade.  However, elections are incredible times to talk about, and act on, the future we want; and we deserve to be led by vision.

We've put together some thoughts on how we can use our influence to lead, demand and shape a better conversation at election time.  

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Elevation: make it about the vision this election

We know that within Australia reMADE’s networks are people of passion and influence, people who believe that a vision matters at election time, and every other day of the year.

As we get to the pointy end of this election, let’s use our voices to elevate the debate.

Here are three tips from our messaging experts to help you in your conversations with colleagues, journalists, friends and family, candidates and online:

  1. Remind people that we deserve to be led by a vision at election time. Politicians should make their pitch for our vote by getting to the heart of the society we want to have, and their plans for bringing us closer to that society, or not. We should be asked to vote for the Australia we want.

  2. Ask the people asking for your vote: what is your vision for our community? Whether you’re in a media interview, on social media or on the receiving end of a phone call or door knock, this is a powerful question. If they default to slinging mud at the other candidate, pull them up.

  3. When talking about your own priorities and agenda, always include the WHY. Don’t just talk about what you want, stress why you want it. This will always lead you back to vision and values, and this is where we unite. If journalists want to reduce moral issues to dollar issues, pull them up. (Or turn the question on its head: what is the cost of not acting, not caring, not leading?)


It’s easy for elections to be mainly about the conflicts, the ‘gotcha’ moments, the horse race.

This creates a perfect opening for the right-wing populist, or the strong-man authoritarian ‘anti-politician’ to emerge: someone who heaps blame on the political class, the media and unpopular groups for all of society’s woes. Because to the disgruntled voter, at least that guy has a vision for the country he’s willing to get people excited about.

Let’s demand, model and embrace a debate about who we are, what we want, and what really matters.


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